
Established 1994

Pittsburgh Garden Railway Society
C/O Ann Celento
312 Hawthorne Street
Canonsburg PA, 15317

 November 2013 Newsletter

From the President's Desk Trips
Chasing Trains - Big and Little What's Cookin'
Photos Tech Tips
Upcoming Train Shows & Events Video of the Month

Financial Report (password required)

Membership Roster (password required)

Tech Tips
Dave Bodnar

 Aristo Craft's Revolution Remote Control System

IMPORTANT:  Even though Aristo Craft is closing its doors and going out of business at the end of 2013 the Revolution and other Crest Electronics products will live on.
Their new web site is:


Those of you who are considering moving to radio controlled battery operation for their railroads may want to consider Aristo Craft's Revolution.  I have done a good bit of work on the development of the system and have a detailed overview of its capabilities here:
